St. George Utah Office Furniture

Where do I find Office Furniture in St. George Utah?

As St. George grows, the need for professional office furniture as well as home office furniture solutions grows as well. In recent years, more and more companies have explored the concept of moving some of their office personnel from centralized office buildings to work from their personal home offices. This shift has increased the need for office furniture designed and sized for the average home and St. George is no exception. Many of the national chain stores have improved their offerings in the office furniture arena. Standard furniture stores are also offering more in this area as well. In an effort to bring lower cost office furniture to the market many retailers have turned to imported office furniture pieces. Since more employees are working from home, the need for more durable options has actually gone up. It’s as though the retailers moved into an area where they missed addressing the actual needs of their customers by offering more of the imported, cheaper quality, less durable home office furniture. There is clearly a vacuum of opportunities for the customer to find quality office furniture, so the question becomes, where can I find quality office furniture for my home?

The Office Furniture Dilemma

Next, the square footage of many homes has decreased over the last decade. Additionally, the rooms of focus in the home have shifted over the years to the Great Room and the Master Bedroom. This shift of focus has had an impact on the spare bedrooms, where the home office has traditionally been located by a reduction of square footage. It has proven true that we simply need to do more in and with our spare rooms. The need for specialized or custom home office components and arrangements has increased with this shift as well. Wilding Wallbeds specialize in taking these smaller rooms and making them function in delightful ways. We in Southern Utah actually have a wonderful, home grown company, Wilding Wallbeds that can address your home office furniture needs. They have spent decades growing the Office Furniture side of their business to address the many St. George home Office furniture needs.

Making the most out of my personal Home Office Furniture

As you step into Wilding Wallbeds showroom you will immediately begin to feel growing confidence that Wilding Wallbeds has the “know-how” that you need to make your personal office furniture fit your needs. Wilding Wallbeds has the experience, variety and ability to help you address your specific needs. Wilding Wallbeds can help you easily create the home office furniture that accomplishes all of the function and storage that you need.

I’m Right Handed or I’m Left Handed. Can I find office furniture that functions better for me personally?

Believe it or not, furniture which is designed correctly is actually more comfortable and functions better when your dominant hand is taken into consideration during design and layout process. Big Box stores offer the imports that never take these finer points into consideration. Having a local, St. George Office Furniture company like Wilding Wallbeds is such a local asset. Wilding takes these things into consideration as they create office furniture for your specific needs. Close your eyes and think about this for a moment. If you are right handed, you’ll find that having certain supplies located on your right hand just feels more natural. Take into consideration file drawers for instance. A left handed person usually finds that file drawers on their right hand side feel more natural to access. The opposite is true for right handed persons, they are naturally more productive if the file drawers are located on their left hand side. Pencils, papers, staplers etc. are all considered when you have an office space designed specifically for your needs. A right handed person needs elbow space on the right hand side for writing, a left hand person needs that open space to the left. Try this out, if you’re right handed, sit for a time in a left handed person’s office space, you’ll quickly feel the difference. Wilding Wallbeds takes these and other important factors into consideration as they develop your personal office furniture.

Can the layout of my office actually improve my productivity?

The answer is yes. All of these things are taken into consideration as Wilding Wallbeds considers your unique office furniture needs. Things like closets, doors, windows and many other permanent fixtures are weighed in the Wilding Wallbeds home office furniture designing process. Your hours of work and the time of day you work, morning, daytime or nighttime hours can make a difference as to where desks and computer screens are placed, all in an effort to reduce stress and fatigue and improve productivity. Take for instance a west facing window in your home office, afternoon hours are going to allow more sunlight into the room; eye fatigue and increasing temperature can increase discomfort and increase distraction. If your “work” is creative, like writing or storytelling, your office functions better for you with a north facing window that allows you time for contemplation especially if you have a beautiful view from that office.

Office Furniture Storage Space

Wilding Wallbeds knows that most of the functionality of office furniture occurs below the desk top. Placement of drawers, cabinets and files are usually all located below the desk surface. But the space above your desk top can be productive real estate as well. Cabinets above the desk top can improve, dramatically the ability to store the supplies that make your home office unique, upper cabinets can also create ambiance by allowing decorative spaces, places to put nick knacks, photos and other items that bring true individuality to your home office furniture.

Pedestal and Cabinet Sizing

As Wilding Wallbeds helps you design your personal home office furniture, open space is of big concern as well. Even if you’re working shorter hours, open space can have an impact on your productivity. Think back for a moment to a desk that you had where the chair was too tall or too short, or where the knee hole was too small. These, sizing issues, impact your productivity, because they become a point of discomfort and routine frustration and focus. Wildings, ensure that the size of files and cabinets are not only ample for your needs but also sized appropriately so that you have the personal space you need.

Colors and Style Selections

Wilding Wallbeds offers dozens of wood types and dozens of stain and paint choices as well as dozens of style options so that your home office furniture is unique and absolutely beautiful. From modern to American craftsman to old world rich traditional, Wilding Wallbeds has so many choices that you can easily find a style and feel that helps you create a one of a kind home office. Wilding Wallbeds also excels at the personal attention to your specific needs that is sure to develop into the single most comfortable home office furniture that you’ve ever experienced.



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1509 South 270 East Suite 3
St. George, UT 84790


Mon-Fri: 8 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 4 pm
Closed Sunday

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